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Dominik Riha - Best Man

Stepan was born first. Years later our mother gave birth to me and we have been brothers since. Well, at least officially we have. When I was 4 my brother left to look for a new challenge, a new life, finally a bride. And I think that he was quite successful!

Unfortunately I never had a real opportunity to experience my brother’s wonderful being (or so I've heard- he's a Riha after all!), I just saw him occasionally when he was in Switzerland - and there is where I met Jennifer, too. I would be lying if I said that I know her. Looking back at the time we had in Switzerland, reading my brother's letters (there are soooooo many of them!) and just trusting his heart (he's still a Riha!), I've no doubt that she's the right one for him...

If just there weren’t this one thing about him: I don't know anybody else on this planet who would be more predestined to forget birthdays than Stepan. I'm sure that he hasn't forgotten Jennifer’s, yet, but I just want to say that that’s definitely a risk... But when that day will come (and it definitely will) please don't blame him - I mean, he's just being a Riha.

It was 7879 days ago! - Copyright 2002 Stepan Riha & Jennifer Lucio